There are several different ways to relieve shin splints. Massage therapy, foam rolling, stretching the calf muscle, and ice can help. For a more permanent cure, though, a doctor’s prescription may be needed. Listed below are the best ways to relieve shin splints. If you don’t know where to begin, try these tips.
Massage therapy
Massage is an excellent way to get rid of Shin Splints. Massaging the affected area will help reduce pain and speed recovery. It can also help prevent future injuries by strengthening tight muscles. Massages have been used to treat various ailments, and have become increasingly popular as a preventative treatment for sports injuries. But before you go to a massage therapist for treatment, be sure to discuss the specific needs of your condition.
Massage can help alleviate pain and increase flexibility in the lower leg muscles. The massage therapist should be careful not to rub the inflamed areas of the tibia, as they can be extremely painful. Many people develop shin splints after intense exercise, which is usually caused by tight calf muscles. Massage can help loosen up tight knots and release tension in the calf area.
Foam rolling
You’ve probably heard of foam rolling for Shin Splints, but what exactly is it? Foam rolling is a type of massage that helps relieve pain by massaging pressure points in the body. It can also help improve balance and flexibility, two things that are critical to recovery from Shin Splints. In fact, foam rolling is an effective way to improve both of these qualities and can help you feel better in no time.
To get the most benefit from foam rolling, you must use proper technique. There is no right or wrong way to do it, and you can actually cause more damage by improper technique. Follow your body’s signals. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort while foam rolling, stop immediately. Another important thing to remember when foam rolling for Shin Splints is not to exert direct pressure on the shin bone, knee, or ankle. Foam rolling for Shin Splints is one part of a comprehensive recovery plan for athletes.
Stretching out the calf muscle
One of the best ways to get rid of Shin splints is by stretching out your calf muscle. You can do this stretch by standing with your hands on a wall with your toes on the floor. You can also try lying down and leaning your back knee toward the floor. Another way to stretch your calf is by foam rolling your calves. By doing these stretches, you can prevent shin splints from occurring.
One of the most effective stretches to relieve pain in the calf region is the heel-to-wall squat. Simply stand with your back leg straight while leaning your knee towards the wall. Make sure that your toes point forward, not to one side, because this will cause uneven tension in the calf muscle. Repeating this stretch often can lead to muscle imbalance.
Ice is an excellent treatment for shin splints. It can relieve the pain and swelling. It is recommended to apply ice to the affected area for twenty to thirty minutes three to four times a day. This treatment should be repeated four to eight times per day and should be done for at least two days. Using an ice pack is safe, but make sure to move it around to avoid frostbite. Heat does not relieve the pain or inflammation.
You should visit the doctor immediately if your symptoms persist. Taking anti-inflammatory medications can help reduce the pain, but be careful not to get a false sense of comfort. Do not use painkillers too frequently, as this could cause major complications and may prolong the recovery process. Likewise, ice is not a good option for severe cases. Even if you manage to alleviate the pain with ice, you should avoid strenuous activity until the problem is gone.